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I am Professor of Applied Microeconomics at the Department of Economics, Ghent University, Belgium, I am also the director of RISLαβ—the Risk, Insurance, and Savings Laboratory. I obtained my PhD in economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2009.


I investigate the determinants choices involving risk, uncertainty, and time delays. I employ a variety of tools, including formal modelling, natural experiments, randomised controlled trials, and lab experiments. I am further interested in applying decision making principles to a variety of problems in development economics, environmental sustainability, and financial markets. 


RISLαβ has organized its first summer school on the topic of Cognitive Foundations of Decision-Making, at University Mohammed VI Polytechnic in Rabat, Morocco, on July 22–27, 2024. 

My paper on Decisions under Uncertainty as Bayesian Inference on Choice Options has been accepted at Management Science

My paper on Law and Economic Behaviour, co-authored with Ranoua Bouchouicha and Olivier L'Haridon, has been accepted at the Journal of Comparative Economics

My paper Time for Tea: Measuring Discounting for Money and Consumption without the Utility Confound, written with Mohammed Abdellaoui, Emmanuel Kemel, and Amma Panin, has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Development Economics

I have just updated my tutorial on Bayesian Estimation of Decision Models. It now includes new sections on meta-analysis, 2-stage regressions using measurement error models, as well as multiple hierarchies. I have further included some efficiency updates that make the hierarchical code faster. Check it out here

RISLαβ has organized a workshop in honour of Peter Wakker at UM6P in Rabat on May 30 and 31, 2024. Check out the programme here.

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